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Textile Policy Extension – Boost to Demand of Textile Machinery

Textile Policy Extension - Boost to Demand of Textile Machinery

Bookmyparts's Point of View on Textile Policy Extension

An Intro:

The Gujarat government's decision to extend its textile policy for a year is expected to attract Rs 5,000 crore of additional investment across entire value of textile industry including support to supply chain,...


Bombay Machine – InStatedore – first INGCO store in Madhya Pradesh

Bombay Machine - InStatedore - first INGCO store in Madhya Pradesh

Ingco Tools launched by is gaining ground across India, starting with Gujarat state. With aggressive online marketing and branding strategy and Ingco products quality, range and affordable price structure in place, Ingco tools are becoming popular despite very...

Read more... appointed its first Franchisee appointed its first Franchisee

Jammu & Kashmir state is now gearing up for economic activities post abrogation of article 370 in the state. Jammu and Kashmir economy is largely fueled through industries sectors like, tourism, handicraft, sports goods manufacturing, cement, silk industry, wood based industry, leather tannery & allied sector. The state has considerable potential...


BookMyParts – K P Tech Group supplied Oxygen

BookMyParts - K P Tech Group supplied Oxygen

Under Combat Covid initiative, has supplied 100 Oxygen Concentrators to hospitals, individuals, institutions and others to fulfill the need for Oxygen for fighting Covid-19 on a no profit basis.  As a responsible corporate citizen, it is our duty towards the nation and...