BookMyParts going Phygital

When started its own Industrial Shopping Mall, a physical set up and a retail store integrated with cloud technology and online ecommerce, lot of people started asking why retail store by an online B2B ecommerce platform – what is the need ? how will you manage it? how are you going to get business? blah…blah.. 

Brick-and-mortar – physical retail stores business have been facing stiff competition from ecommerce when the Covid-19 pandemic stuck the entire world for months together. During these times, ecommerce’s share of the retail market has grown significantly. However let’s face the fact. there is a long way to go before hope on online only. Time has evolved and the dynamics will continue to change. 

Actually, if one adopts technology tools to deliver best user experience, there is a lot can be done to make this entire proposition different and unique. It is about levering technology to deliver the in-store buying experience through brick and mortar retail store to industrial consumers and give them best of both the worlds. Such an experience will definitely build a strong loyal customer base.    

BookMyParts is exactly working on this principle of giving Industrial Retail Customer a best user experience, a convenience, better treatment, environment and of course pricing, since years, Industrial Retail users have been neglected and put at a disadvantage. They deserves better is our thinking and that led to this initiative and the concept of Organized Industrial Retail for the benefits of manufacturing sector, MSMEs and works man communities such as Carpenter, electricians, Automobile garages, plumbers etc.  


Apart from above, we are also exploring many facets of Industrial Retail Concept stores which is yet to be explored in India. for example, proximity marketing, it is a fine concept to deliver in store experience which is not possible in ecommerce, there is an enormous potential through personal touch and person centric service, one can build loyalty. It helps retailer to grasp and understand wants and needs of customer and read into his/her mind & buying behavior. 

As online B2B platform, own store is an additional channel therefore equipped with ordering online from stores if one wants to as the items are not in store but there is a requirement so store is having a kiosk where he/she may get an option to pick them up in store or deliver at location. In fact, this helps build engagement with customer. 


Every customer is special so is their needs, wants and expectations. It’s an absolute fun to serve customers with the use of technology. Direct physical communication is way too important to know your customer better. There is so much that one can do to grab attention, take feedback, reviews, transactional data, behavior and lot more and technology allows you immediately act upon it, with vigor. In the process, customer feel valued and honored.  

Demonstration, Trials, Showcasing opportunities 

Industrial items, more specifically tools & hardware items are all about trial, test, touch, feel and do it myself. In Industrial Shopping Mall, such live demonstration & instore trial of products will be a regular feature and focus. A dedicated space for trial and demonstration is allocated within the setup. Large display of industrial items are hardly visible except for industrial exhibitions and special business/industrial meets etc. Here at BookMyParts industrial mall, this is a permanent feature.

Customer Engagement 

With social media including Whatsapp, there are ample opportunity for personalized communication with existing customer and prospective customers. Use of referral is very powerful tools for marketing which can be best utilized in Industrial retail segment. In India, shopping with buddy, friends and partner is very prevalent, the idea is to create that aura for Industrial Retail Customer. 

Service, Support and Customer delight 

After sales service is most critical elements and must be taken to build long term businesses. BookMyParts stores will have inhouse service center led by expert team of service and maintenance engineers. The service center will provide service support, spare parts requirements, repairing and in time response. Customer delight is BookMyParts motto, whether it is on cloud or on the earth. 

BookMyParts is committed to revolutionize Organized Industrial Retail Trade in India through its ecommerce and Industrial shopping mall across India.